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  • Ernst Max Nielsen
    Max has worked 20+ years with TT as owner, manager, director and /or board member in both small and large companies, comprising TT consulting, high-tech startups, international groups – in USA, Russia, UK, Belgium, Hungary and his native Denmark. Max operates as a business angel investor.

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Edward Romanoff

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Britney Pocked

Wonderful and informative web site.
bye, bye ;-)

Britney Pocked

Wonderful and informative web site.
bye, bye ;-)


Hi, Good work... Thanks


You guys do a wonderful job! Keep up the good work!!!

Tomas Wong

Hi, I only care that I have my mother proud of me. Because I know that my father hates me so I really don’t care if he is proud of me or not. I have tryed to walk the strait and narrow path and faltered afew time. But, at the end of the day I would like to know that my Mother was proud I was her son
I am sorry if it to you not interestingly.


Beautiful site!


nice work!

Zuna Warg

Hi, I only care that I have my mother proud of me. Because I know that my father hates me so I really don’t care if he is proud of me or not. I have tryed to walk the strait and narrow path and faltered afew time. But, at the end of the day I would like to know that my Mother was proud I was her son
I am sorry if it to you not interestingly.


ouai c vr il cool


More or less not much exciting happening today. I just don't have anything to say. More or less nothing seems worth bothering with.


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