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  • Ernst Max Nielsen
    Max has worked 20+ years with TT as owner, manager, director and /or board member in both small and large companies, comprising TT consulting, high-tech startups, international groups – in USA, Russia, UK, Belgium, Hungary and his native Denmark. Max operates as a business angel investor.

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michael jones

Thank you for the great information about the optical solutions! It is just great! I will use it for my new research!

Tauno Kekale

I know this comes awfully late (three months after David's notion, and 11 months after the original posting), but I want to apologize to IEEE Fellows for the small letter. Just shows that my cultural understanding can still be improved.


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Good forecast data into 2015 and 2020-2025. The quantum computer would be interesting to see if I am still around.

David Scott Lewis

It's "IEEE Fellows," NOT "IEEE fellows" -- like they're friends or something. It's a designation within IEEE. But glad you posted the forecasts.

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