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  • Ernst Max Nielsen
    Max has worked 20+ years with TT as owner, manager, director and /or board member in both small and large companies, comprising TT consulting, high-tech startups, international groups – in USA, Russia, UK, Belgium, Hungary and his native Denmark. Max operates as a business angel investor.

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Kermit Williams

DURSTORM HOUSING and storm U;s are from the same house this U is the mid system that help in wake of floods i can sell this house to investors part by part concepted and documented out of plastic rubber i concepted my idea in 1989 into 2001 and getting better with her DURSTORM and the U can gain more interest than anything in new housing saftys the system the protection the inventor the design life is getting better DURSTORM HOUSING is what the peoples need the investors will flock at my feet get to know me Kermit Williams INVENTOR on the rise in the future .

Kermit Williams

Durstorm Housing is concepted out of plastic rubber and can hold storm presure this durable house can be of great interest the storm are coming this one might get your attention invest into the future you can mail to adress to learn more about my concept idea [email protected] or just click DURSTORM HOUSING on your PC.

Kermit Williams

Strong durable like a bull sitting down DURSTORM HOUSING can be on the block one day this house propal storm actions to save lifes .

Kermit Williams

What if you can live in a different but simple type of house come into 4 forms and can save life in wake of twisters ,floods ,fires etc Durstorm housing is it learn more mail me .

Kermit Williams

A new type of innovative storm housing is documented for safty in wake of extreme weathers go to NAM click Durstorm Housing and learn more.


Even if Cambridge started much earlier-which helps- the impressive part is the IMPROVEMENT during the recent few years. It's interesting about your comment about the PR operation. What's that about?

Michael Kenward

Perhaps it helps that Cambridge started to commercialise its research long before the subject became fashionable. After all, the university was a science park pioneer, although not quite as far ahead of the pack as it likes to think.

I have written about the university's tech transfer for a quarter of a century. Few other universities have that track record.

Pity their PR operation is not similarly world class.

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