Search the Right Places II: Knowledge Management Tricks
Building “Where’s the Beef” models takes practice and there is a lot of tricks which may make life much easier for you. In the clinic I normally give advice and tips & tricks about how to take -cheap- shortcuts (you can buy many/most information and get poor in the process. Question is: will you also get richer?):
- Which patent databases to use and how to mine them. JBEngine does the start; the rest is up to you.
- How to find specific case material about the “value chain”. JBEngine is powerful.
- How to use indirect sources of information such as Edgar SEC filings, to get information of a whole industry. Because of the paranoic legal situation for “publicly traded” corporations, i.e. on the stcok exchange, there is no limit to what upper management discloses about their own business, and thereby the competition.
- Brainstorm keywords from different perspectives. Mindmapping, functional/substantial substitution; laguage versions (English is not the –only- world language).
- How to use mindmap search engines such as Kartoo
- How to use the new RSS/xml standards (Web 2!) to monitor certain sources of information in specific terms.
- How to “Roll” your own search engine (pack) with software such as Rollyo (mainly Yahoo). Use TII’s search pages as well.
- How to use “indexing” to store and find “value chain relevant” past findings: Copernic for PC; Spotlight for Mac
- How to build Knowledge Management "libraries" which cover prior work but prepares for future work with the same group of/type of researchers.
- How to screen sources
- How to mine sources
- How not to trust the Internet and how to distinguish when (Advanced Cell...)
In later articles I shall cover each of these topics.