Ernst Max Nielsen continues his series on "Where's the Beef?" (Click the Category on your right hand side: "Where's the Beef". The articles are numbered in Roman numbers: I, II, III etc. If you scroll down this site, you'll get the articles in reverse order)
This is an annex to the seventh article in the series "Where's the Beef": quick-and-dirty methods to make a go or no-go decision regarding whether or not and how to try to commercialize an invention. This article starts a new category of articles, namely reviews of good Tech Transfer organizations.
Frank Stephenson tells the fantastic story of how Holton invented the anti-cancer blockbuster drug at Florida State University's Tech Transfer Office site CLICK TO READ
The tortured trail of the best-selling cancer drug in history began 40 years ago this summer. A thunder-clap of uncommon science and luck, it's a grand story still in the telling.
Also a story of how collaboration between industry and university may turn foul when big money enters. This is a "must read" for all tech transfer office staff.